
This storyline is based off the anime series by the same name. Takes place during the modern era following Medicine Seller and Amelia when they cross paths while dealing with supernatural jobs.


Images are linked to doll/character profiles.

Name Summary


A medium that uses her abilities to help put supernatural entities at peace when she isn't working random retail jobs to pay the bills. Crosses paths with the medicine seller a number of times over the years and they eventually become trusted partners whenever he happens to be coming through town.

Medicine Seller

A mysterious man that wanders the country of Japan to hunt down mononoke (as well as hock his wares). Is an incredibly calm and cool-headed individual that is most often seen with a deadpan manner and dry, snarky wit.

Finds Amelia an interesting and amusing sort of person, especially given her initial annoyance with his appearances when they are first getting to know each other.