
Mononoke version

A medium that uses her abilities to help put spirits, ghosts, and other supernatural beings and occurrences at peace so they'll stop bothering the living. Doesn't make much money off of her work as a medium, so usually takes on a number of part-time work (usually retail) to pay her bills. She has a bakeneko as a pet that protects her from most malevolent beings that try to follow her home.

Crosses paths with the medicine seller several times over the years through her medium work. She isn't always terribly happy to see him the first few times they come across each other (because it usually means there's a particularly nasty spirit about), but they eventually become trusted partners, especially after he saves her from a spirit possession.

Arcane version

Amelia is a music performer that is from the Undercity. She is primarily a singer, but she is also a skilled pianist and songwriter. However, within the Fissures, she also has a reputation for being a very skilled (and ruthless) fighter.

Growing up in the Undercity was, like for many others, difficult. She lost her parents early on in life and lived within a run-down orphanage for a chunk of her early childhood before running away and living on the streets with other kids older and younger than herself. To make money, she got involved in street fighting, which is where she first began to earn her reputation. Despite being of a small build, she often took out other kids bigger than her (and even killed a handful during their fights).

It was around this time that she met Miran Varga. Miran was a former Piltovan that owned a repair shop for musical instruments, and he also tutored music on the side. Unfortunately, he and his wife fell on hard times and he wound up losing his shop and their home in City of Progress, forcing them to move to the Undercity. The two of them happened to cross paths after Amelia was heading home after a particularly rough fight. Miran had taken on the task to fix up a broken piano that'd been sitting in the neighborhood for years, and a young Amelia decided to harass him with questions (and verbal jabs). This would be the first of several encounters that would eventually lead to Miran taking Amelia in to live with him and his wife, leading to her quitting the fighting gig and beginning her musical training.


Miran eventually died due to an altercation with Enforcers (of which Amelia unwittingly provoked) when she was a teenager, and his wife passed away a year later due to sickness, leaving Amelia alone in the world once more. While she kept working on music, she was pulled back into the more violent parts of the Fissures in order to survive. Eventually, she got pulled into Vander's revolution attempt and properly earned her rep as someone that'd do anything to get the job done.

Unfortunately, blooding her hands for Vander's cause proved to be a wasted effort as he suddenly ordered a retreat that'd later lead to striking a deal with the sheriff of Piltover. Amelia carries a lot of resentment and rage towards the would-be revolutationary and all those that stick by his side. She ends up leaving the Fissures to focus on getting herself a better life rather than care about whatever happens to the rest of the Undercity.

She eventually succeeds at pulling herself out of poverty through her musical prowess and lived in a large house with a built-in music studio in Piltover. Despite claiming to not give a shit about her hometown and those still living in it, she keeps a finger on the pulse of the Undercity and gains many connections on both sides of the river, leading her to be, unknowingly to the political powers that be, a very real potential threat to those that cross her.

She ends up learning of Silco and his plans for takeover, and opts to fund his endeavor, and even gets him connected with the likes of Sevika (whom she fought alongside in the past) and the Chem-Barons. She and Silco briefly engage in a romantic relationship, but it doesn't last (partly due to his taking Jinx in, but mostly their disagreements in how to handle Piltover's power over the Undercity) and she keeps to herself and her business in Piltover afterward.