Bright Idea

This story universe was a years-long roleplay with a former friend of mine that centered on a group of our characters in a drama and slice-of-life type of storyline that pulls in a variety of characters from other media sources (primarily anime/manga) we enjoyed. Since we're no longer friends, I had to write out a number of her characters and fill spots in with my own.

The story primarily follows along Naoko and Jin-ho as they grow up and deal with what life has in store for them from their teens to adulthood, all the while starting a band that quickly raises them to stardom with all that that entails.

The pieces of other media that is involved in this universe include (but hardly limited to): Gravitation, NANA, My Hero Academia, Fruits Basket, Brand New Animal (BNA), DNAngel, and Final Fantasy XV.

As for the world environment itself, it's basically My Hero Academia's general storyline, but with all the character drama of NANA, Gravitation, and Fruits Basket involved.


Images are linked to doll/character profiles.

Name Summary

Amaya Yu

Little sister to Jin-ho and Nori's twin. Takes after their father in personality in that she's more on the quiet side; tends to listen more than talks. Enjoys partaking in drumming and dancing to be close with her brothers, but her real passion is in remixing, editing, and cinematography. While she is a caring person that loves her friends and family a lot, due to her quiet nature and bluntness, most people she meets believe she has a very blasé attitude.

Meets Shin through Jin-ho's musical career and they end up becoming close friends before eventually becoming a couple.

Hizashi Yamada

Character from My Hero Academia.

Works as a Pro Hero (named Present Mic) and teacher at U.A. High School, and also has a radio show (which is how he meets the band members of Bright Idea). He's an incredibly excitable man that lives to entertain and hype up a crowd. His eccentric personality and antics end up attracting Lilith to him as friends, at first, but their relationship steadily takes a more romantic turn.

Jin-ho Yu

Big brother to Amaya and Nori, and Naoko's best and closest friend. Was a wallflower growing up, but as he gets older he learns to put his foot down more firmly when it comes to things he disagrees with. Absolutely obsessed with music of all kinds and is the one that decided to start the band he and Naoko kick off (Bright Idea), of which he is the drummer for.

Ends up in a life-long relationship with Zack, whom he started dating a few years after graduating from high school.

Keigo Takami

Character from My Hero Academia.

Works as a Pro Hero under the name Hawks and takes orders directly from the Hero Public Safety Commission (HPSC). An intelligent young man (both logistically and emotionally) that presents himself as more jovial and carefree in public than he actually is; tends to be more serene and introspective in more private settings. However, public or private, he isn't afraid to speak his mind and can be very blunt about it. Due to his life experiences and work with the HPSC, he is often on constant alert to take out trouble as fast as possible.

It's during the usual photoshoots he takes part in that he meets the Bright Idea band members, which turn into some of the first proper friends he's made in his young adult life. Is happily pulled into Naoko's friendly flirting, and it doesn't take either of them long to begin actual flirting.

Lilith Beck

Lead guiltarist of Bright Idea and second oldest member of the band. Ended up in Japan after the death of a beloved aunt of hers. After handlig the funeral and other responsiblities needed doing, she decided to stay in the country. Worked as a session musician for several years before getting recruited by Jin-ho and Naoko.

While she appears like a party girl, her personality is the exact opposite. She's very down-to-earth and generally prefers to keep her own company. That said, she loves being around more out-going and out there types, so Naoko is right up her alley, as well as Hizashi.

Naoko Takashi

Lead singer and primary songwriter of Bright Idea, as well as Jin-ho's best friend since middle school. While she puts out an outward appearance of being very boisterous and confident, Naoko is an incredibly self-conscious person. She is constantly doubting her abilities as a singer and writer, as well as her relaionships with others and whether they actually want her around or not. Generally tries to keep to a "Fake it 'til you make it" state of mind, so her anxieties don't drag her down enough to mess up her life.

All that said, she does enjoy being the center of attention, both on-stage and off. She has a habit of freely flirting with anyone she finds attractive, though there is a marked difference between her playful flirtations and when she is genuinely interested. Whether her relationship with someone is platonic or romantic, she is a ride-or-die type of individual (sometimes to a fault).

Nobu Wakabayashi

Business student of UA and one of Nori and Amaya's close friends. Completely boy-crazy, absolutely loves the arts (particularly music, leading her to learn to play guitar), as well as dealing with numbers and people alike.

Opted to join the business course because she wants to have a career that'll make her lots of money (though she isn't particularly interested in being famous).

Nori Yu

Twin to Amaya and little brother of Jin-ho. Loves cute boys, bright colors, music, and—most of all—dancing. Spends any free time he has practicing his moves as well as exercising in general. Is very protective of his twin sister, even though it's usually him dealing with guff from other people. Is best friends with Rie, whom he met through dance practices and meets. Is very open, honest, and kind, which has the tendancy of making him also very sensitive to teasing and general mean-spiritedness aimed at him. He and his mother are incredibly close as well due to being so similar to one another.

He and his sister go to a regular public high school, and it's through there that he meets his eventual long-term boyfriend Daisuke Niwa.

Pelna Khara

Character from Final Fantasy XV: Kingsglaive

Kyrie's husband and is a few years younger than her. Works as a cyber security specialist, and thanks to that, he is usually able to accompany his wife on tours. Is generally seen as carefree and light-hearted by others, but he is a very intelligent and perceptive individual, able to easily tell when the mood in a room is shifting. His more out-going and kind personality helps to balance out his wife's more cynical view of people.

Rie Sakurada

Nori's best friend and is a handful of years older than him and Amaya. Is aiming to become a dance choreographer and trainer as a career. Is primarily interested in ballet, which she's practiced at since she was little, but enjoys a multitude of genres of dance. Outside of dance classes, she tends to be pretty clammed up around people she isn't close to.

Grew up in a more rural part of the country before moving to the city with her aunt, so was exposed to a decent amount of heteromorphobia growing up that her friends had to face. Due to this, she always does her best to get involved in activism circles regarding better treatment for heteromorphs and other people with quirks that aren't generally as welcomed in society. It's through her activism work that she meets her partner, Shirou Ogami.

Shinichi Okazaki

Character from NANA.

Bass guitarist of the Black Stones (aka BLAST) and later boyfriend of Amaya. While a good-natured and caring young man, he has a sarcastic sense of humor and can sometimes have a mean streak that can lead him to picking on his friends. Usually he never means harm, but sometimes he ends up cutting people deeper than he might mean to.

Smokes like a chimney, though eventually Amaya bullies him out of the habit, and moonlit as a prostitute during the early days of working with his band as a teenager. Became friends with Amaya and Nori after running into them several times when BLAST and Bright Idea were working on promotionals in the same buildings/studios.

Due to his childhood and essentially non-existant relationship with his parents, Shin believes himself to be truly unloveable by others, so keeps a bit of an emotional barrier around himself among his friends at first. That barrier is eventually chipped away at, but it takes time.

Valkyrie Croft

Goes by nickname Kyrie. Bassist of Bright Idea and also oldest member of the band. Handles a sort of management-esque role for the group since she is the most knowledgeable about and experienced in the industry. Before joining the band, she worked as a session musician and private music tutor. Married to Pelna Khara for about a decade.

Is very straight-forward and blunt (though she tries to tone it down when teaching—depends on the student). Tends to prefer to keep to herself and is slow to open up to others. Pelna is one of the very few to see her fully relaxed and in her element.

Zachary Park

High school classmate of Jin-ho and Naoko, and later boyfriend-turned-husband to Jin-ho. Took part in football (soccor) and lacrosse when he was in school, and while he enjoys sports to a point, he isn't particularly passionate about it. Ends up going to university to study to become a medical professional. Is similar to Jin-ho in personality, but is quicker to sarcasm and jokes.