Shinichi Okazaki

Character from NANA.

Bass guitarist of the Black Stones (aka Blast) and later boyfriend of Amaya. While a good-natured and caring young man, he has a sarcastic sense of humor and can sometimes have a mean streak that can lead him to picking on his friends. Usually he never means harm, but sometimes he ends up cutting people deeper than he might mean to.

Smokes like a chimney, though eventually Amaya bullies him out of the habit, and moonlit as a prostitute during the early days of working with Blast as a teenager. Became friends with Amaya and Nori after running into them several times when Blast and Bright Idea were working on promotionals in the same buildings/studios.

Due to his childhood and essentially non-existant relationship with his parents, Shin believes himself to be truly unloveable by others, so keeps a bit of an emotional barrier around himself among his friends at first. That barrier is eventually chipped away at, but it takes time.