Nobu Wakabayashi

Character previously known as Nobuyuki Naga.

Nobu is an outgoing and boy-crazy type of gal that is part of the Business/Management Course students of UA. Her quirk is Torch, which allows her to emit blowtorch-type flames from her fingertips, palms, and soles of her feet. While she has no real aspirations to become a pro-hero herself, she likes to think that if she did her hero name would be Fyrefly (which her dad affectionately nicknamed since she used her quirk to hover and fly around when she was little).

Her primary reason for joining the Business Course at UA was simply due to wanting to have a financially successful business career in the future (girl wants to be rich, but isn’t so mussed about being famous). Plus, she has a natural talent for dealing with people and numbers, so why not make a career out of that.

Her real passion lies with music though—particularly with playing guitar. She never bothers to properly join up with a band, but after graduating she enjoys hopping on as a session musician now and then, which gives her the opportunity to play a variety of different music styles. Safe to say, Present Mic is one of her favorite teachers due to his work with his radio show (plus they both have similar in-your-face personality types).

Nobu’s closest friends consist of Rie, Nori, Amaya, and a Hero Course student named Chrysanthi “Chrys” Yagi. The first three she’s known since they were young kids (being neighbors with Rie, and schoolmates of the twins), whereas she meets Chrys during the UA Sports Festival and Chrys has been stuck with her ever since.

As mentioned before, she is boy-crazy as well as a hopeless romantic. Despite that, the few relationships she has had have never lasted particularly long and she’s hopped from one boyfriend to another, not yet having found someone she’s clicked particularly well with (this is writer-speak for I haven’t figured out who I ship her most with lmao).

Her father’s name is Gaku, and her mother is Hatsu. The two of them met when they both used to work construction. Nobu inherited her quirk from Gaku, whereas Hatsu’s quirk is Metal Manipulation. Due to their complementary quirks and their shared love of art, they now work as a team to create metal-based artworks. It’s their appreciation for the arts that got Nobu into music.